Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you know what's unhealthy for you?

Most of the people eat, drink and take unhealthy things. For example the children like eating burgers and chips. Yes, they're delicious, but they're also very unhealthy. Who knows what are they made of. We are only sure that the sellers usually make the burgers, the chips and the other things of this group with old products that are with past date of applicability. That's why a lot of children become sick after eating these meals.
The alcohol and the drugs are unhealthy for the body too. If a humen starts to take them very often he will become addicted to them and he will never stop. Specialy when we are talking about drugs. They are extremely dangerous. You can die because of them.
So we should never eat meals like burgers or chips and we shouldn't drink alcohol or take drugs!