Monday, October 19, 2009

Haw smart are you???

I thing that these are the answers:
1 - A
2 - A
3 - A
4 - A
5 - A
6 - B
7 - A
8 - B
9 - B
10 - B
How smart are you???
1. The Pacific Ocean is bigger than the continent of Asia.
A: True
B: False
2. Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa is higher than Mont Blanc in France?
A: True
B: False
3. There are more sheep in Australia than there are people.
A: True
B: False
4. The oldest country in the world is Egypt.
A: True
B: False
5. Death Valley in North America is the driest place in the world.
A: True
B: False
6. Where is the most expensive land in the world?
A: Hong Kong
B: New York
7. Where is the largest hotel in the world?
A: New York
B: Moscow
C: Sydney
8. Addis Ababa is the capital of which country?
A: Sudan
B: Ethiopia
C: Somalia
9. Sacramento is the state capital of Texas?
A: True
B: False
10. Which African country has the largest population?
B: Nigeria
C: South Africa
The winner of the competition is Safie Hadzieva!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Story

Me and my friends make one small house .We decided that because we would to have a place
only for us . On Friday we began to build. Every one give things and we make the grade . It looked not beautiful but it comfort, clean .
One day we stayed there ,but we were four children. While we talking and pasting our comments about new house we listened a strange sound . And this strange sound we listened again and again . We are so frighten I asked “what is this? “ and my friends don’t know . Then we saw one of our friends .

What do you think about my story it is frighten ?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What we should or shouldn’t d0?

People do very unhealthy and bad things. We shouldn’t smoke ,drink a alcohol, take a drugs.
Because today they don’t understand and don’t know how important it is to stop to use this things .

‘We shouldn’t eat a unhealthy food but we don’t stopped. I say we because and I eat a burgar, hot-dog and another different things not good for me . In my opinion we must to eat at home because every day we have something in our house. Examples soup , race, chicken …..
We shouldn’t be lazy .This is a very big problem for students . I know the children don’t like to teach some of them because they thinks for the boys or girls or when we go to play with friends.

We should study hard because when you a doctor example you earn a lot of money but if you work in corporation you will more happy to be a doctor. We should help in our mothers . sometime they say we can’t do this together but she says this for us so0 we must to help . We can clean our rooms , cook for breakfast or dinner .

What you think if I straight?

Fact or a lie?

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever heard terrible stories of spirits that haunt old houses and scare people at midnight? I know a child, whose story might scare you. She did not believe in ghosts until that day, when she was at her grandparents`s house. Sarah went out to play in the street /in front of her house/ with her friends and suddenly she saw a car driving without a driver. She was frightened and began to cry. Sarah's friends fled and left her alone. The car was very fast and Sarah was so upset. Then she closed her eyes, but minutes later she heard a loud sound. Someone knocked her over. She opened her eyes and turned around. Then she saw a white light. She was frightened, but someone or something said her, that she should not be afraid. It was quiet. She asked what happens. Behind her there was a shadow of a woman and the silhouette disappeared quickly. Sarah returned to her home and told her grandparents what was happened. And they did not believe at first, but then helped her. You decide whether ghosts exist or are fiction ...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Do you believer in ghosts

90% of people don’t believe in ghosts because they say this is invention but when you lose some of your family or friends then you understand .

When I lose my father I was small and I don’t understand but now I think he saw me and cared me and I’m sure in that .He can not here with me but he loved me. I’m so
unhappy when I told about him but I’m saying that for you to understand

Before 6 month my grandma deceased . People say when somebody deceased her or his spirit go in the house and this true for me because one day my aunt stay in the bedroom
but in the kitchen has some glass with water on the table and my aunt go in the room and glass find on the floor .

You mustn’t scared of ghosts they never do badly things .If you scared of somebody it will be a people who aren’t know why we are live and what is important things in our life .

Saturday, October 3, 2009

oNe StRaNgE nIgHt

Susan, Sara and Michael were friends for years.
They were 16 years old teenagers which lived in quiet town in one old house. Like a lot of other people they didn’t believe in the supernatural, too. One day Sara, Susan and Michael decided to go on camp in the forest. They took tents, food and sleeping bags with them and went in the forest. First they pitch the tents and went searching for woods. When it got dark they made a fire. Michael told very interesting and frightening stories of which Sara scared a lot. After that they went to their sleeping bags. An hour after they went sleeping Sara heard strange noise. She woke up and got out of the tent.
Everything was covered with mist, the sky was dark and the weather was really very cold. She was so shocked and disturbed. Suddenly she saw something strange moving behind the bushes. She started screaming and run back into her tent. In the morning Sara told to Susan and Michael what happened and that all night she couldn’t sleep, after they heared that Susan and Michael laughed at her.
Then they decided to go home. When they got back home, Sara hurry to tell everybody about what happened last night.She told them about her adventure, when they told her that this part of the forest is haunt from ghosts and when somebody go there ghosts kill him and suck out him blood, she was sure that last night she saw ghost.
And the people were quite right. There were ghosts, ghosts called Susan and Michael.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Jhon's present

Almost all people tell they don’t believe in supernatural. They don’t believe that there are ghosts who haunt different places, they don’t believe in legends about ghost etc.
John doesn’t believe in these things too. But one mysterious night changed his opinion about supernatural and made his life different. And here is the story he won’t forget.

On 28 of January John had a birthday. It was his 28th birthday. It was late at night and he was coming back from his birthday party. The night was chilly and quiet. The ground was covered with thick mist. There were no pedestrians on the street. The sky was clear and you could see the stars. It seemed it won’t snow these days.
John was driving his black Mercedes, which was a present from his dad. He was going home when he saw a shadowy figure, rushing across the road. John ignored it and realised it had been a bird. But just a minute later he saw another shadowy figure rushing across the road. John was a bit disturbed but ignored it once again and drived on. Then he saw the same thing again for the third time and heard a noise and screaming. John has never heard screaming like this before. He was quite sure he had knocked over something or somebody and pulled up the car. John hunted around to find a dead person or animal but the result was nothing. Only one old head, which he took with him. John put it on the back sit and continued driving. An hour later when he arrived home he was shocked. The old head he had found on the road vanished. And at its place there was only ash.
One year later, on the same date, John was very surprised and at the same time very confused when he found that can move everything when he looks at it.
After that night he believes in the supernatural and knows that ghost exist. Now he misses his old life, but nothing can be changed…

And what about you? Do you believe in ghost?