Thursday, October 8, 2009

What we should or shouldn’t d0?

People do very unhealthy and bad things. We shouldn’t smoke ,drink a alcohol, take a drugs.
Because today they don’t understand and don’t know how important it is to stop to use this things .

‘We shouldn’t eat a unhealthy food but we don’t stopped. I say we because and I eat a burgar, hot-dog and another different things not good for me . In my opinion we must to eat at home because every day we have something in our house. Examples soup , race, chicken …..
We shouldn’t be lazy .This is a very big problem for students . I know the children don’t like to teach some of them because they thinks for the boys or girls or when we go to play with friends.

We should study hard because when you a doctor example you earn a lot of money but if you work in corporation you will more happy to be a doctor. We should help in our mothers . sometime they say we can’t do this together but she says this for us so0 we must to help . We can clean our rooms , cook for breakfast or dinner .

What you think if I straight?


  1. Your advice is really useful! Well done! I hope that all teenagers will take your advice!!! :)

  2. Again very interesting writing. Well done!!!:)

  3. And again you post your comment about my story ThankSss :)..
