Saturday, September 26, 2009

StarS in Sch0ol

To be a star in school is good for some people because the children sometimes give theirs breakfast ,money, go to the shops no the person who want to buy things do his or her homework and another different things.

But some of people don’t like this because this is no good for you because you must to do your obligatory . For me this is true 68% of people like that because now inhabitants
make a things that’s are not good,. Example smoke , drink a alcohol , but the problem is they are a very young. Then they go to the hospital and there their family understand.

And the children today like this somebody if smoke drink a alcohol is a star but it isn’t true. I think it will be good for us if we haven’t a stars in school !!!
CveTi .H


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. well done. Your story for school is very interesting and I am agree with you for everything"" :)))

  3. Again interesting story Cveti. Well done!!! :)

  4. thankSs :)
    for me it is very interesting to write story
