Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you know what's unhealthy for you?

Most of the people eat, drink and take unhealthy things. For example the children like eating burgers and chips. Yes, they're delicious, but they're also very unhealthy. Who knows what are they made of. We are only sure that the sellers usually make the burgers, the chips and the other things of this group with old products that are with past date of applicability. That's why a lot of children become sick after eating these meals.
The alcohol and the drugs are unhealthy for the body too. If a humen starts to take them very often he will become addicted to them and he will never stop. Specialy when we are talking about drugs. They are extremely dangerous. You can die because of them.
So we should never eat meals like burgers or chips and we shouldn't drink alcohol or take drugs!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The answers of the quiz are:

1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. F
6. Hong Kong
7. Hotel Rossiya in Moscow
8. Ethiopia
9. F
10. Nigeria

Monday, October 19, 2009

Haw smart are you???

I thing that these are the answers:
1 - A
2 - A
3 - A
4 - A
5 - A
6 - B
7 - A
8 - B
9 - B
10 - B
How smart are you???
1. The Pacific Ocean is bigger than the continent of Asia.
A: True
B: False
2. Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa is higher than Mont Blanc in France?
A: True
B: False
3. There are more sheep in Australia than there are people.
A: True
B: False
4. The oldest country in the world is Egypt.
A: True
B: False
5. Death Valley in North America is the driest place in the world.
A: True
B: False
6. Where is the most expensive land in the world?
A: Hong Kong
B: New York
7. Where is the largest hotel in the world?
A: New York
B: Moscow
C: Sydney
8. Addis Ababa is the capital of which country?
A: Sudan
B: Ethiopia
C: Somalia
9. Sacramento is the state capital of Texas?
A: True
B: False
10. Which African country has the largest population?
B: Nigeria
C: South Africa
The winner of the competition is Safie Hadzieva!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Story

Me and my friends make one small house .We decided that because we would to have a place
only for us . On Friday we began to build. Every one give things and we make the grade . It looked not beautiful but it comfort, clean .
One day we stayed there ,but we were four children. While we talking and pasting our comments about new house we listened a strange sound . And this strange sound we listened again and again . We are so frighten I asked “what is this? “ and my friends don’t know . Then we saw one of our friends .

What do you think about my story it is frighten ?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What we should or shouldn’t d0?

People do very unhealthy and bad things. We shouldn’t smoke ,drink a alcohol, take a drugs.
Because today they don’t understand and don’t know how important it is to stop to use this things .

‘We shouldn’t eat a unhealthy food but we don’t stopped. I say we because and I eat a burgar, hot-dog and another different things not good for me . In my opinion we must to eat at home because every day we have something in our house. Examples soup , race, chicken …..
We shouldn’t be lazy .This is a very big problem for students . I know the children don’t like to teach some of them because they thinks for the boys or girls or when we go to play with friends.

We should study hard because when you a doctor example you earn a lot of money but if you work in corporation you will more happy to be a doctor. We should help in our mothers . sometime they say we can’t do this together but she says this for us so0 we must to help . We can clean our rooms , cook for breakfast or dinner .

What you think if I straight?

Fact or a lie?

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever heard terrible stories of spirits that haunt old houses and scare people at midnight? I know a child, whose story might scare you. She did not believe in ghosts until that day, when she was at her grandparents`s house. Sarah went out to play in the street /in front of her house/ with her friends and suddenly she saw a car driving without a driver. She was frightened and began to cry. Sarah's friends fled and left her alone. The car was very fast and Sarah was so upset. Then she closed her eyes, but minutes later she heard a loud sound. Someone knocked her over. She opened her eyes and turned around. Then she saw a white light. She was frightened, but someone or something said her, that she should not be afraid. It was quiet. She asked what happens. Behind her there was a shadow of a woman and the silhouette disappeared quickly. Sarah returned to her home and told her grandparents what was happened. And they did not believe at first, but then helped her. You decide whether ghosts exist or are fiction ...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Do you believer in ghosts

90% of people don’t believe in ghosts because they say this is invention but when you lose some of your family or friends then you understand .

When I lose my father I was small and I don’t understand but now I think he saw me and cared me and I’m sure in that .He can not here with me but he loved me. I’m so
unhappy when I told about him but I’m saying that for you to understand

Before 6 month my grandma deceased . People say when somebody deceased her or his spirit go in the house and this true for me because one day my aunt stay in the bedroom
but in the kitchen has some glass with water on the table and my aunt go in the room and glass find on the floor .

You mustn’t scared of ghosts they never do badly things .If you scared of somebody it will be a people who aren’t know why we are live and what is important things in our life .

Saturday, October 3, 2009

oNe StRaNgE nIgHt

Susan, Sara and Michael were friends for years.
They were 16 years old teenagers which lived in quiet town in one old house. Like a lot of other people they didn’t believe in the supernatural, too. One day Sara, Susan and Michael decided to go on camp in the forest. They took tents, food and sleeping bags with them and went in the forest. First they pitch the tents and went searching for woods. When it got dark they made a fire. Michael told very interesting and frightening stories of which Sara scared a lot. After that they went to their sleeping bags. An hour after they went sleeping Sara heard strange noise. She woke up and got out of the tent.
Everything was covered with mist, the sky was dark and the weather was really very cold. She was so shocked and disturbed. Suddenly she saw something strange moving behind the bushes. She started screaming and run back into her tent. In the morning Sara told to Susan and Michael what happened and that all night she couldn’t sleep, after they heared that Susan and Michael laughed at her.
Then they decided to go home. When they got back home, Sara hurry to tell everybody about what happened last night.She told them about her adventure, when they told her that this part of the forest is haunt from ghosts and when somebody go there ghosts kill him and suck out him blood, she was sure that last night she saw ghost.
And the people were quite right. There were ghosts, ghosts called Susan and Michael.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Jhon's present

Almost all people tell they don’t believe in supernatural. They don’t believe that there are ghosts who haunt different places, they don’t believe in legends about ghost etc.
John doesn’t believe in these things too. But one mysterious night changed his opinion about supernatural and made his life different. And here is the story he won’t forget.

On 28 of January John had a birthday. It was his 28th birthday. It was late at night and he was coming back from his birthday party. The night was chilly and quiet. The ground was covered with thick mist. There were no pedestrians on the street. The sky was clear and you could see the stars. It seemed it won’t snow these days.
John was driving his black Mercedes, which was a present from his dad. He was going home when he saw a shadowy figure, rushing across the road. John ignored it and realised it had been a bird. But just a minute later he saw another shadowy figure rushing across the road. John was a bit disturbed but ignored it once again and drived on. Then he saw the same thing again for the third time and heard a noise and screaming. John has never heard screaming like this before. He was quite sure he had knocked over something or somebody and pulled up the car. John hunted around to find a dead person or animal but the result was nothing. Only one old head, which he took with him. John put it on the back sit and continued driving. An hour later when he arrived home he was shocked. The old head he had found on the road vanished. And at its place there was only ash.
One year later, on the same date, John was very surprised and at the same time very confused when he found that can move everything when he looks at it.
After that night he believes in the supernatural and knows that ghost exist. Now he misses his old life, but nothing can be changed…

And what about you? Do you believe in ghost?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

StarS in Sch0ol

To be a star in school is good for some people because the children sometimes give theirs breakfast ,money, go to the shops no the person who want to buy things do his or her homework and another different things.

But some of people don’t like this because this is no good for you because you must to do your obligatory . For me this is true 68% of people like that because now inhabitants
make a things that’s are not good,. Example smoke , drink a alcohol , but the problem is they are a very young. Then they go to the hospital and there their family understand.

And the children today like this somebody if smoke drink a alcohol is a star but it isn’t true. I think it will be good for us if we haven’t a stars in school !!!
CveTi .H

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One day Tom decided to go on a tent in the forest. He bought a tent , food and other thinks. On the other day He started his trip. The day was very hot , so he was very sweaty and he smelly. he decided to swam in the nearest lake. He put down my clothes and jupm into the rather water.When Tom came out of the lake but hi clothes weren't there. Somebody had stolen them, so there wasn't what to put on. For suprise the tent was stiil there and the lamp in his had has turned on. He put on the tent. After that He went to the nearest road to wait for a car which can drove him to his home!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My summer holiday

On 27 June , 2009 I decided to go on holiday with my friends
and our teacher . When we traveled some of my class
had had a lessons in school. First we went to the rooms
and pasted our things. .The first day
was great We went to the sea after that we went in a swimming pool and jump of 10 meter . Second day we went to the sea side again there we swam and found myelitis
but the most exciting was where the banana come.
Every night we had a party and we danced . We listen
disko , pop ,and techno. One day we decided to went in barakuda but we don’t says to teacher . When we returned we saw her .She was very disappointed. Finally teacher talked with us and says “ I’m very sorry but you must to say where you go “there we understand
the teacher and we went to the party . Last day was fantastic we had a camp fire.
Finally we returned at home and everyone saw theirs family .
Cveti .H

Sunday, September 13, 2009

On 28th July, 2006 our class decided to go on hol...

On 28th of July, 2006 our class decided to go on holiday in Kavala. We were traveling by bus to the hotel. Then we left our luggage and went to see the sea. It was amazing, but form my class were hungry and we decided to go back to tहे hotel and have lunch.
After the lunch we went to our rooms to rest. Before dinner we went sightseeing, then we ddinner anडी went to sleep.
Next day स्टार्टेड wइथ breakfast and wewent to the beach. Water was normal विथ big waves. We were swimming about 5 hours then वे had lunch and वेnt back to Bulgaria.

It was a great holiday.

Unusual snowman

One winter day a girl called Clara was coming back from school. She was 7 years old. Clara was living in a small town called Snow Hill with her family. But today Clara wasn’t very happy because outside there was no snow. She came in her room and lied down and rest. But Clara was very tired so she felt into a heavy sleep. She was dreaming that outside there is a lot of snow. And her dream came true. In the morning when Clara opened her eyes she looked out of the window and saw that everything was covered with snow. She was very happy so she run out and started screaming “Snow, snow there is a lot of snow”. Today was going to be the happiest day for all children in Snow Hill.
After Clara had a breakfast she put on her scarf, glasses, hat and her jacket and run out. There was so many snow that she decided to make a snowman. Clara started making a big ball. It was going to be the body of her snowman. After she finished with the body, she made a smaller ball for head. After that she took 5 big, black buttons, one carrot an old scarf, head and black thread. Clara put two of the buttons for eyes, the carrot was for nose, the black thread for mouth the other three buttons were for the body. Finally she put the scarf and the head and her snowman was ready. It was too late wh
en Clara had finished with her snowman so she go back home. She had a dinner and go into the bed.
On the next day Clara decided to see if her snowman is still there. Fortunately the snowman was untouched. But when she turned back the snowman began to speak in plain language. Clara couldn’t believe she run back at home and told to her brother. He wasn’t sure that it is true, so they went there to see. Unfortunately when they went back to the snowman he had disappeared. There were only tracks in the snow which led to the mountain.

On 28th July, 2006 our class decided to go on holiday in Pamporovo . We traveled with a bus . We was so exciting and happy. First we examine the rooms , take
a shower and slept .After that we must to prepare to the

When returned in the room my friends had readied for the disko and I go there later,
The second day it is not very well for the our because
Mimi was cast water to another two girls. Then their teacher was in our rooms and says not good things for us. I was very sadly .My teacher go and said “why we do this” we haven’t a answer because we mustn’t said the true because Mimi is our friend
Last day I had a birthday and we had a party and then my teacher asked me who made the problem yesterday I said Mimi and she made a very big smile and kissed me . Then we finished the party without problems. We dance ,sing and I was so happy because my birthday was fantastic . Finally we returned at home and saw our family.

Never don't hide the truth

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Halloween night

It was 31 of October, it was Halloween and all children were ready for this day. One of these children was the little Jennifer or simply Jenny as her friends called her. Jenny and her mum came in this town after Jenny’s father had died, so they were celebrating Halloween for the first time. The little Jenny was only 6 years old and she was very impatient to see everything. She and her friends went in their costumes from house to house, asking for treats with the question “Trick or treat?” Jennifer was very happy, maybe because she didn’t know what may happen on this day.

Suddenly the girl heard a noise coming from the old house near the forest. All people on the street were screaming “She is here, she is here” and then they run to their homes. Jenny didn’t know what was happening. She remembered that her friends had told her something about a woman who sleep there all year and wakes up only at Halloween nights. But Jennifer hadn’t believed at that story, so she decided to go and see. She opened the squeaking warped door and got in a cold big house. In the house there were a lot of old things. Jenny went up stairs and saw an old woman with long, white hair, sitting on a chair with her black cat. She welcomed Jenny and asked her something. But poor girl couldn’t understand her because she was very scared. Jenny run back. She wanted to get out, but she couldn’t because someone had locked the door. Jennifer sat down and started crying. The old woman came next to her and gave to Jenny a chocolate and a strange necklace, and then she disappeared. Jennifer was very tired and slept.

In the morning Jenny woke up at home and next to her pillow she saw the chocolate and the necklace. Jenny was very confused. She didn’t know was it a dream or not… .

Friday, September 11, 2009


People cannot stay alone. Daily we meet thousands people, relatives familiars, and friends. Young , old, man, woman , everybody wants a family next to himself. We cannot choose home, our family, but we can to only choose our friends.

It is true that for the years people are changed, somebody yesterday can play tennis but now she can’t but to have a friends is fantastic because you know him and he knows you.
Says your dreams and secrets . Really friend is when you need of help she must with you .

Some people go with somebody because have a money a very big house and another different things .This no really friends because you mustn’t make your opinion when you see the person . Only such friend can be a really friends who see the heart no the clothes . I’m very happy because my best friends are beautiful ,clever , healthy and really friends for me .

When you losed somebody
then you understand how important it is !!! Cveti.H

Thursday, September 10, 2009

unusual girl

Five years ago, while I was living alone in my house in a small town, I experienced something very strange.

One night , while I was cooking I heard a voice outside. Then I looked through the window and I saw a girl who was craying. I quickly ran to the garden, but the girl had disappeared.In that moment I was very scared and I was feeling cold.

On the other day when I was walking to the park I saw the owner of my house. I told him about the strange experience the previous night. Then he told me that the girl`s parents died when their house was burned down. Only she survived. But few days after the accident the girl killed herself in her sadness.

After that when I got home I told some of my neigbours about the strange girl. Then they told me that the girl is appearing every year on same time. She is crying for her parents. And after few minutes she disappears.

When I heard that story I was very frightened , so I left the house.

I don't know what happend when I left the house. All I know is that now It's abandoned.

My exciting

One day my mum returned at home and started to eat something .Then I asked her why she was not very well and she made a very big smile and said we will have a baby .When I heard that I began to jump at home .I was so excited and happy because I was going to have a sister or brother.
After one month we went to the doctor. There we saw everything the head , hands, fingers, eyes and the nose. Our family was so happy . The time just slipped away . We had to go to buy everything for the baby .One day we went to Sandanski where we visited the Babrbaron shop . The shop was so big that people can get lost. We bought a bed, clothes, socks, a pillow and a lot of other things. On 25th July, 2008 my sister was born . Now she is big and she can talk ,walk and sing and dance. Now she is very interesting because she talks a lot of interesting things. She says grandpa, grandma, cat, dog, mother, dad. When I give her a phone she says hello and she is very sweet . Having a brother or sister is fantastic for me because when you can’t find friends you can play with her or him. I love you my sister so much!!! Cveti.H

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


A very strange story

It was 1st of April. I woke up and when I opened the door, I saw my cousin, dressed like a witch.
- Wow, what are you doing here? – I asked.
- Nothing, nothing. Hmm, why are you here? – said she.
- Oh, I forgot. Today is 1st of April. You’re joking, right?
Sonia (my cousin) didn’t say anything. She started singing and dancing and, of course, laughing at me. She was doing that all the time. I was convinced, that Sonia was joking. But she looked crazy. Itold her, that I didn`t believe her and I had to do something more important than singing and dancing like a crazy person.
- What did you say? I can’t hear you. Come here, please.- said Sonia.
May be she was watching a horror film or very stupid comedy.
I decided to go in the kitchen and to tell my mother what had happened. But…
- Hi, Lily (my other cousin)!!!
I knew, that something was happening, but I didn’t know what. Lily was jumping on the chairs, my aunt’s face was in flour and my uncle was in the fridge. I asked everybody the same question. Nothing again.
They looked like monkeys. Very DANGEROUS monkeys.
Oh, no. That was horrible. I was happy only for my English classes today. I went there at 4 p.m. When I opened the door, my classmates screamed. Mary was on the desk and was eating her book. Mariah was drawing on the board. Sarah was cutting Teddy’s hair. Tommy was drawing her face. I couldn’t believe for the second time. That was strange. I felt like I’m in zoo or in some jungle. I didn’t know what to do. My cousins were at home and put on a monkeys and the other team monkeys were my classmates.
I went to my best friend’s house. The door was locked. I heard a noise and looked around. Lillie (my friend) was on the house’s cover.
- What are you doing there? Do you want to go downstairs? – I asked.
-No, here is OK. – said Lillie.
-But, do you want to tell me something? – I asked again.
-No, you have to go away. My mother will come soon. I’ve already put the table. We’ll have dinner. Please, go away. – commanded she.
May be she stood a long time in the sun. Whatever, I went home. When I arrived there, somebody had eaten everything. I was so hungry. My cousins were sleeping under the bed, my aunt was waiting for me in front of the door and my uncle was watching TV. But the strange is, that the TV wasn’t plugged in .
I was very tired, so I fell asleep immediately. But my cousin was awakened. She started drawing my face. I screamed and ...
I woke up.
- Oh, no. It can’t be. That’s only a dream. – I thought.
When I opened the door, I looked around, but Sonia and Lillie weren’t there. My aunt and uncle weren`t there too. I was calm.
-how strange dreams may people have?
And what are you dreaming about?

Monday, June 22, 2009


Students can imrove their education. It can be funny or boring.

!1! BORING WAY ->>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<-

You can improve your education if you study very hard, grind everithing etc.
that is good way to imrove education, but it is not so intersting.
You can do it easier. If you want try the second way.

!2! FUNNY WAY ;):):@:P

The FUNNIEST way is to not to grind but to try to understand the meaning. You also can find games, books that can help you. You can make speaking exercise with sbd who can speak English.But dont forget teachers they are the most important.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to improve the education in Bulgaria? This is very interesting question.

In my opinion the education won’t improve only with removing some of the tests. I think that if the teachers make studying more interesting and funny it’ll be easier and more interesting for us. In that way we’ll go to school not only because it’s necessary we’ll go to school with more desire. The students books are full of information that sometimes is very difficult to be learned, so if there are more games is class on purpose the information in the books to be easier to be learned, it will be better for us.

This is only one example how we can improve the education, but I think it is very important, because when we are doing something we must do it with a lot of enthusiasm and desire.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to improve education in Bulgaria?

The education in Bulgaria isn't very good and because of that a lot of studens prefer to study abroad where they can get a better education.

We can improve our education by loads of ways.

For example every year students from fourth, fifth and sixth class have very difficult exams in each subject and plus that they have to make a final tests in these subjects too. This is very exhausting for students because the exams are every day and they don’t have enough time to prepare their selves. I think all these exams must be removed because in this way it will be easier for students. And maybe some of them agree with me.

Another way to improve education in Bulgaria again is connected with exams. Most universities in the UK don’t have entrance examinations. But here in Bulgaria we have. If you have studied very hard during the school year it is not necessary to make these difficult tests. If these entrance examinations be removed more students will have an opportunity to continue their education.

I hope in the future the education in Bulgaria will improve because all of us want to succeed.

How to improve the educaion in Bulgaria?

Our education is very important and we should improve it. There are lots of ways to improve the education in Bulgaria.
Students in the UK can apply for university without examination only with their excellent marks at school, but in Bulgaria students have to make examination and this is not so good for them, because there is not lots of time to take a gap year and to decide where is the best university or college where they can study. In UK ones a year students have a rag week. This is a week when students in UK collect money for charity. I think that in Bulgaria it could be good to have something like that, because it’s very nice to help to poor and sick people, who need of this money. In Bulgaria there are lots of poor people and this kind of organization will be very useful for them.
The classrooms, where the Bulgarian students study are very old and dirty. I think this is very unhealthy for us. It could be better if we have newer and tidier classrooms.
The education in Bulgaria is very qualitative, but there are not lots of ways to realize the learned at school. I hope that in future our education could be better.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to improve education in Bulgaria?

Any child who wants to apply for university must make examinations in Bulgarian Language and Literature and Mathematics. In the UK it is not so. If a student has excellent marks, he or she can apply without exams.
UK pupils use time after school and before university to travel or work part- time job. But in Bulgaria the children learn throughout the holidays, of course, if they want to take exams. We can offer many ways to improve education in our country. For some pupils the exams are good because that way they can show their skills with their teachers. But for the other students exams are just learning and waste of time. They want to be on the computer all the time. Students should know how to organize their day. How to learn, how to sports, because it is good for their health.